AJFC Game Leader Program

AJFC Game Leaders for the 2024 Winter Football Season

The AJFC Game Leader Program is open to Club members (aged 11 or over).  All candidates are trained to “game lead” Under 8 to 11 mixed games played on Saturday mornings and Under 8 to 12 female and Under 12 mixed games played on Sunday mornings at Campbell Park and Lysaght Park. Game Leader training (introductory for qualification; refresher for certified game leaders) is mandatory and is provided for all registered participants free of charge. This usually takes place in March prior to the season commencement.

Are you interested in becoming a Abbotsford Juniors Game Leader? Complete an expression of interest below.


Game Leader Program – A Short History

In the Winter Season of 2022, the Football Canterbury Association introduced a standardised Game Leader program where youth members of Clubs were encouraged and rewarded for “learning” how to manage and lead games of Small-Sided (non-competitive) football involving our junior players. Game Leaders replace parent volunteers, coach/manager or club officials who have previously acted in this capacity. 

Abbotsford Juniors Football Club is pleased to confirm the continuation of the AJFC Game Leader program since its start in 2022.

What does acting as a Game Leader involve?

Being a Game Leader is a dual role. Game Leaders need to know the Football Canterbury Association rules for Small-Sided Football but most importantly they need to keep the football game flowing to maximise play.  They are also expected to help educate junior players who are still learning how to play by showing them the correct way to do things when they are unsure.

At AJFC, they will be supported during their training period by a Game Leader Mentor at each field and assisted on-going once qualified by Club Ground Officials. Parents of a younger Game Leader are encouraged to accompany their child to the games they lead and will receive instruction and training on the duties of a Game Leader Mentor.

Certified Game Leaders wear special pink bibs that instantly confirm them as Game Leaders. These pink vests supplied by the Football Canterbury Association are issued when a Game Leader completes their training as assessed by a certified Game Leader Trainer and/or Mentor.

Eligibility to be Game Leader?

Any registered member of Abbotsford Juniors Football Club aged 11 or over is eligible to be a part of the AJFC Game Leader Program.  They do not need to be a current player with the Club but will be required to complete a registration with the Club at no cost as a volunteer to certify. Children aged 14 years or under must be accompanied by a parent or carer during their initial training period.

A Game Leader must attend training and their games dressed in suitable attire; shorts, socks and a dark t-shirt/jersey wearing football boots (shin-pads are not required). A Game Leader must have a watch to time the game (ideally with a timer or stopwatch). Ideally, a pair of shorts or shirt with a pocket is also useful to hold a notebook and pen (for recording scores).  While the use of a phone during the game is prohibited, the availability of a phone is desirable to allow access to the Dribl application for scheduling and score entry (where required).

Game Leader Rewards

Learning to be a Game Leader for AJFC junior games is a great reward in itself.  The experience at Abbotsford Juniors Football Club is that it gives young Club members a real opportunity to build their confidence by taking on responsibility. It is amazing how many skills a Game Leader learns that are incredibly useful in general life such as being decisive and learning how to make mistakes and move on. Many of our certified Game Leaders have progressed further and are now accredited as referees leading competitive AJFC games at our Campbell Park and Lysaght Park fields.

Game Leaders certified by the AJFC Game Leader Program are entitled to receive the agreed Game Leader fee for every game they are scheduled for and lead at an AJFC field.   Game Leader fees for the Abbotsford Hub (which covers Campbell Park, Lysaght Park and Nield Park) are as follows:

Abbotsford Juniors Football Club - Game Leader Fee Table

Payment of our Game Leaders is made by the Team Manager or Coach of the Abbotsford Juniors team at the game.  Certified Game Leaders will also be entitled to receive a free drink (soft-drink or water) and sausage-on-a-roll after their Game Leader responsibilities are completed.  This may be collected from the Canteen located at Campbell Park by the Game Leader who must be wearing their Pink Game Leader vest.

Access to Football Canterbury Small Sided Football Rules for Game Leaders
Football Canterbury Small Sided Football Rules for Game Leaders
Access information about Game Leader Payments and Reimbursement by the Club
Game Leader Payment and Reimbursement

How do I become a Game Leader?

AJFC will open an Expression of Interest (here) for interested participants to join the AJFC Game Leader Program usually in January prior to the Winter Season commencement. All those interested (including certified Game Leaders returning from the previous year) must register their interest. Training times will be confirmed sent to all registered participants.

Are you interested in becoming a Abbotsford Juniors Game Leader? Complete an expression of interest below.


Please email gameleader@abbotsfordjuniorsfc.com.au for more information or questions regarding the AJFC Game Leader program.